Fear…don’t let it rule you!

NOTE: This blog entry was written quite some time ago and I held back from publishing it out of “fear” of offending some. Since that time I attended the FLCCC conference in Texas, met some of the amazing Doctors who stepped outside of the confines of Big Pharma and Big Medicine, and feel stronger than ever about facing my fear. So, I have decided to publish this entry after all. Some may be offended. I invite you to be curious about whatever feelings are triggered in you if you read it. I am more than happy to have a conversation about that if it would help. I wouldn’t be very genuine if I didn’t face my own fears after writing this entire post about doing just that. So, here it is. I am facing my fear and sharing my experience. Conversation is good. Sharing thoughts and ideas is good. I am open. I am here. Here is the original post as I wrote it months ago.

Greetings everyone! I feel like ever since I started writing a blog I begin the same way…by acknowledging how much time has passed, how it feels unreal that so much time has passed, and how I wish I had not waited so long to write! Ideas flood my mind constantly and I am always saying “you should write about that!” and yet, time has a way of getting away from me. Don’t get me wrong…I have been enjoying life, doing lots, taking time for meditation and breathwork, and yet there is always more! In many ways that excites me! I can’t imagine I will ever run out of things to learn and do. There is one big wide world out there (and an even bigger Universe beyond) and I cannot ever imagine becoming bored. That said, today’s topic is one that seems to creep into everyone’s life at some point…and lately…it’s been pretty prevalent for so many. Fear.

Although I know that everyone that reads this may not be a believer in a higher power (for me the word “God” works, but I recognize that is also not true for everyone) but I have to begin a discussion about fear with my favorite line from a song by the band Casting Crowns. It says

"There’s a place where FEAR has to face the GOD you know!”

I love that. It’s so important to truly notice the last four words “the God you know.” We all “know” of a different God because we all have our own interpretation and understanding of, and our own experience of and relationship with the God we know. And, if you don’t “know” any god of any sort…that may also affect your reaction or response to fear.

When it comes to fear, there is always uncertainty. Some people hate uncertainty. Personally, I try to embrace it. It’s not always easy, and in order to do so, I have to trust. Trust in a bigger picture. Trust in what I do not know. Trust that things happen as they need to happen. Trust that I am not in control of life, especially others’ lives. With trust comes SURRENDER. Surrender is one of my favorite words.

Many hear the word surrender and think of a white flag waving or a sense of “giving up” or “defeat.” That is not how I see or understand that word. I see it more as a “turning over” to something or someone bigger and wiser than me. This doesn’t relieve me of any responsibility (another of my favorite words!) it just reminds me of the boundaries and what is and is not in my control.

So, what is in our control? Well, I saw a meme the other day that said there are only two things that are always in our control…our reaction (I would add also response) and our effort. I like that! I do make note that I see a big difference between our reaction and our response. The difference…summed up simply…is with a response there is a pause, a breath, a moment to think about our next move. Reaction, is more knee jerk…it is based on where we are in that moment…controlled by our subconscious, which has been programmed. So, that quote acknowledges that we are not always in control of what it happening around us, and yet we are in control of how we respond to what is happening around us. Part of our response or reaction is our effort. What are we putting into it? That’s where I see possibilities and opportunities.

Well…here I go. I’m going to touch a bit on the last couple of years and talk about the pandemic and the fear that was used and ignited in so many. When the recent virus showed up, we began to be bombarded with information and all the reports were centered around fear. Without going into too much detail here, I do invite you to go back to what we were told and shown through the mainstream media. We were told it was deadly, people were filling up the hospitals and being put on ventilators. We were told there was nothing we could do to treat this virus and that we needed a vaccination to be safe. Well, we know now that all of that was a lie, and if you don’t want to go that far, you can at least recognize that there were half truths, opinions, and information that was kept from us. Fear. They wanted us to be afraid. Why?

Well, when we are afraid, we are not empowered. When we are afraid, we will often do what we are told. When we are afraid, we are compliant. When we are afraid, we are not feeling a sense of control. We were told to stay home, disconnect from our loved ones, maintain distance, and when it was available, take a vaccination that had basically only been tested on mice. Some Doctors were confused by this and refused to be controlled by fear (or by Big Pharma…but that is for another day) and they started speaking about treatment. There was treatment available and these Doctors did not know why these treatments were not being offered and in many cases were outright denied! Information began to be suppressed and kept from us. Fear mounted and caused people to divide and threaten each other. Families were divided. Friends were divided. Fear. It took control.

So…personally I saw this as each of us having two things in my control…our reaction (or response) and our effort. This is my story. I began researching everything I could. I read hundreds of studies and papers about the virus and the treatments that were being held back. I read book after book as each was released (yes, I have an entire shelf of books directly about this virus!) I read about what I could do to strengthen my God given immune system. I shared this information with my clients the week before we shut down. I often wonder how many of them actually read the sheet I prepared for them, and if anyone actually took the advice.

I mentioned earlier in this post that surrender involves trust. Well, for me, that trust was put in my God given innate immune system. The effort was in me spending my time exercising, getting fresh air, connecting with my family members, eating healthy foods, taking my vitamin D and other supplements, getting sunshine for the production of natural vitamin D as often as I could, and I researched. Every day, researched.

I could write volumes about this pandemic, the way it was poorly handled, etc. but that is not what this post is about. This post is about FEAR. I refused to let fear rule me. I refused to blindly follow the recommendations of a corrupt system out of fear. I chose to have my fear face the God I know.

We are divinely created. We have the most amazing immune system ever! Our bodies know exactly what we need and if we give our bodies what they need…we can work together with the millions of viruses that we not only encounter, but those that actually make up our bodies. We have to trust. We have to surrender the fear and say “there is a power bigger than me that is in control here…I just need to get out of the way and let that power do what it does best!” I need to work with that power, not against it. I need to trust. And I did.

I went through some incredibly difficult times as I encountered the fears of others. Some saw me as a threat. They saw this virus as bigger than anything our immune systems could handle. They couldn’t trust. To be honest, some did not have the desire, strength, trust or will to put in the effort to get themselves in a healthy place and give their bodies what they needed to remain strong. I am not in any way judging them for that…I’m recognizing that for some that feat was insurmountable. I get that. Many chose to listen to the people in charge, who were basing decisions on profits (that is well proven at this point) instead of truly supporting people in their endeavor to become healthy and stay healthy. With obesity being one of the top risk factors for serious illness, it was unethical for there to be offerings of free donuts, fast food or even beer if you took the vaccination. So, now add bribery to the fear. Not a great combination.

By now, I have lost some readers for sure. Some of you may be angry at me for even suggesting any of this to be true. I understand that, but cannot remain silent any more. I am not afraid. I invite you to be curious about your reaction. Do my words invoke fear? Anger? Frustration? Confusion? If the topic of the pandemic is triggering for you…please feel free to skip the next paragraph and jump to the final paragraph as I wrap up the topic of fear.

We have control over two things: our reaction (or response) and our effort. And, any fear I have has faced the God I know. And when it did…and does…it melted and continues to melt. It surrenders in the sweetest way. Like a child melting into a loving parent’s arms. It feels safe. It knows that it has within it to be safe and strong. It remembers who it is at its core and trusts. Remember…fear doesn’t just go away without us doing our work too! We have to put in the effort. We have to do the research. We have to develop a plan to be our healthiest version of ourselves. It has to go beyond listening to main stream media…it has to dig deeper. Find the information that has been kept from us. Listen to the front line Doctors who have been treating people from the start (often having to navigate around the obstacles the Government and Big Pharma put in their way), with safe and effective treatments that have been available all along but were inexpensive and already available so did not result in big profits. Read the books. Read the studies. Read the documents from Pfizer that they wanted 75 years to disclose (if that didn’t set off alarms in your head I don’t know what would!) Do your work. Connect with others. Be kind, be loving, embrace…physically and emotionally! Love. Love. Love. It is the answer. Always. Love is the God who dwells within us. That, I know for sure!

So…when you think about your fear, no matter what it is related to, I invite you to also think about the God you know. Where do you place your trust? How are you honoring your body so it can do exactly what it was designed to do? What is your reaction (or response) and where have your efforts gone? I could write a book…and maybe will…about my experience over the past two years. If you were to write a book about your experience…what would be the title? Start there! And, meet your fear. It is a part of you and wants to protect you. It means well. It just hasn’t met the true you…the divine you…the God within! When it does…it too will melt into safety. And, if you don’t know this God…this power…I am more than willing to share and introduce you to that God. For it is the God who dwells within me. Always.

Peace to you,



Growth…one step (or stroke) at a time!


Find Your Strong!!