Upcoming Events at the
Sacred Self, LLC

New Group Starting in May, 2024!

I hope to offer this group again in 2025. It seems the general consensus was that people prefer to meet in person. I too prefer that but thought offering it via Zoom would make it accessible to more. In 2025 I am going to try again and offer the group both ways. I believe strongly in the power of the written word and would love to help others heal through writing. This group is a result of my listening to a podcast with Andrew Huberman (The Huberman Lab) as he spoke about a study that was done regarding helping people process trauma via writing. Through that study a protocol was developed which involved having people write about certain topics for a certain amount of time consistently for a few weeks. I don’t want to say too much about it here as I will wait until I officially begin the group to go into details. If you are interested in or even curious about participating, please reach out to me via email at thesacredselfllc@gmail.com and let me know. I will be providing an intake questionnaire to those interested to see if this group is the right fit for you! Obviously, if you are a current client you can ask me when you see me! Feel free to ask me any questions as well! I have always found writing to be very helpful and the more I learned about this protocol and tried it myself, I think this group could help many people process whatever is holding them back…including trauma (both little “t” and Big “T” trauma.) I will note that you do not have to “like” writing, be a “good” writer, etc. It’s not about the quality of the writing and is more about the expression of what is written. No one has to ever read what you write, although I will make myself available to read and discuss your writing if you desire. There will be time to share (if you want) during the sessions. Also, If you are unable to make all six sessions in person I will provide a recording of the instruction (not the sharing) following the session. For now, this group will be offered on line, but my dream is to make it happen in person as well! There will be a registration page soon. The cost is $25 per session for a total of $150. The full $150 must be paid at the beginning. Write to Release!!!!! Let’s go!

Going forward I will CONTINUE offering online group Breathworksessions the second Monday of each month (subject to change due to life circumstances) at 7:30 p.m. NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!

Each session will be themes and a description will be provided. Scheduling and payment will be possible on this website. Watch for further notice! I am so excited to share this with my community! Come breathe with me!!! 

Breathe with me…

Whether you want to reduce your anxiety, increase your energy, release emotions, release physical pain…breathwork can help! Join us and see what it can do for you!!

Breathwork Sessions at local Yoga Studio…

I recently held another Breathwork session at Evolution Yoga and Wellness right here on Market Square, just down the street a bit from my office! It was a wonderful experience and I am so happy to have developed a relationship with this Yoga Studio! I’m in the process of scheduling the next session there and hoping this next one will include more somatic release through movement as well as the breath! Watch for more details!

On line breathwork the second Monday of each month! Next session is April 8, at 7:30 pm! PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. Our theme for this session will be “Welcoming New Life!” Register through the website here. Go to “Schedule Breathwork.” Hope to see you there! If you have questions reach out to me!