Hope to offer this group again in early 2025!!!


This group will meet for six weeks and my hope is to have the group both on line via Zoom and in person. Details will be forthcoming! The focus of the group is to process and release anything that is holding us back. This protocol was originally designed to help people process and release stored trauma, but we are finding the method is also helpful for other challenges. If you have specific questions, please reach out to me for clarification.

There is a practice associated with this protocol so some of the “work” you will do takes place in between the group sessions. When we do meet, I will do some instruction, we will have some writing experiences, and there will time for sharing…with no pressure to share of course!

The cost of the group is $25 per session so a total of $150 dollars for the six weeks. You will be required to pay for all six sessions up front and if you have to miss any of them, you will receive a recording of the instructional part of the group (the sharing will not be recorded to respect privacy.) I will be adding a registration link, however please contact me first for the intake form before registering. A bonus of joining this group is you will again be invited to attend two breathwork sessions I host on line free of cost! That’s a savings of $40!

Please feel free to email me with any questions you have or to express interest. As mentioned, I will be sending out an intake questionnaire to be sure the group is a right fit for you! I am so excited to finally offer this group and I look forward to working with many of you! I find my journalling practice so helpful and this protocol takes things to the next level! No writing experience or expertise is necessary. Please note is is preferred that you actually “write” and do not “type” for this class. There is magic that happens when our thoughts travel through our body and out through the written word! Come explore that magic with me!!!!

Punch Cards for Breathwork!!!

Now is a great time to consider purchasing a “punch card” for breathwork sessions, especially if you are a returning breather several months of the year! Sessions are $20 a session which would be $240 for all 12 months. Realistically, not many are able to attend every month but some of you have attended at least 7 or 8 of the months sessions. So, the offer is currently 7 sessions for $100 which is a savings of $40 or 5 sessions for $80 which is basically buy 4 and attend the 5th for free! The sessions you choose can be spread out over time and do not have to be consecutive. And, if I offer an additional session for a particular reason, you can choose to use one of your “punches” for that as well. Although I would prefer the cards be used during 2024, I will certainly honor them beyond that. Why am I putting the words “Punch card” in quotes…because I will not be creating actual cards as the sessions are done on line and therefore I will not be actually “punching” a hole in them after each use. I will create a log and keep track of who attends and how many of your classes you have used. You can also gift a punch card for a friend or family member. These “punch cards” can be purchased through the website! Hope to see you in our group breathwork sessions on line. NOTE: These sessions cannot be used for in person sessions that I may be offering at Evolution Yoga or any other location. These “punch cards” are good for my monthly group breathwork sessions only.

FLCCC Conference, 4/28-29

What an amazing experience!!

Although this conference was held in April of 2023, I am leaving this reflection here as I still feel it is so important. The work the Drs in the FLCCC continue to do is more important than ever! Keep informed and stay healthy!

I recently had the privilege of attending the 2023 FLCCC Conference in Texas! If you are not familiar with the FLCCC (Front Line Covid Critical Care) Alliance, it is a group of Doctors who were brave enough to step outside the confines of the Western (and I might add corrupt) world of medicine. These Doctors had effective treatments for the Covid virus from day one and were prevented from using their protocols (which were highly based on repurposed, approved drugs) even though they had statistical proof that their protocols were working. Some of these highly acclaimed Doctors lost their jobs, some left voluntarily. They now work through the Alliance and many have developed their own private practices. A beautiful thing too is that many Doctors came out of retirement and are offering services pro bono because they are so passionate about helping people!

If you or a loved one has suffered due to the Covid virus or the Covid “vaccine” please go to their website FLCCC.net and check out their protocols. They have protocols to treat the virus (and other illnesses and conditions) and they have protocols to help us all stay healthy so that this virus (and those to come) is not a threat!

The man in the picture here is Dr. Paul Marik, MD. He is certainly one of my heroes. Such a genuine, brilliant, kind, and compassionate man and Doctor. He has saved the lives of many and continues to do so through the FLCCC. I will be posting more articles here, in Natural Nutmeg Magazine, and on my new Substack page! I have also started recording some conversations to air on my new podcast as well! I am so excited to be a part of this FLCCC Community and am so hopeful for our future. I am passionate about helping my clients and will continue to learn and grow and share all that I can. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Knowledge is power. We need to spread the word!

If you get a chance, check out my article in Natural Nutmeg Magazine about the conference and the entire pandemic experience! I will attach a link to my published article page as soon as I receive it!