What’s your word for 2024?

I am one of those people that likes to choose a word for the new year. I am also one of those people who does not cling to that word, resolution, plan, expectation, or goal as well. When I choose a word as my “theme” for the year, I hold it loosely. (Some of you have heard me say if I ever got a tattoo, which I will not, it would be “hold things loosely.”) By holding something loosely, I mean don’t cling, don’t grab, don’t clench it in your fists, physical or proverbial. For me, that is a great reminder that all things of this life are temporary…those we deem positive and those we deem negative. Hold them loosely.

So, back to my word intention. I choose a word that I try to hold in my meditations, my plans, and as a great reminder of something I want more of in my life. Two years ago my word was “fun” and last year my word was “adventure.” The “fun” I created was more time with friends…especially a couple who lives close by whom we spent more time with playing games…usually dominos or cribbage! I loved that then and although we don’t seem to be making as much time for it these days, I hope we can get back to it soon! (Ahhhh…that is a CHOICE I need to make and manifest!) Last year, my word was “adventure” and my daughter, upon hearing that declaration gave me a super generous and absolutely perfect 60th birthday gift…she gave me the gift of adventure with her! We extended a family trip we all took to North Carolina for my niece’s wedding and she and I stayed in a beautiful little house in the woods and went hiking for two days! As I often say, I would enjoy watching paint dry if I was doing it with my kids…so spending two days in nature hiking with my daughter was a dream come true! Adventure for sure…and something I would not have done on my own so I am even more grateful that she jumped on board with my word of the year and made it happen!!!

So, that brings me to this year. My word for this year is “choice.” It may not sound as exciting as adventure or fun, but it is equally important to me. I chose the word as a reminder that I get to choose so many things in my life. I choose my attitude, I choose my actions, I choose my thoughts, my activities, how I spend my time, what I eat, drink, watch on social media or television, who I spend time with, what we do with that time, etc. My list of choices goes on and on…and guess what?? YOURS DOES TOO! We make choices every minute of every day. Some we do consciously, and some unconsciously. What I want for this year is for me to be mindful of my choices and make them wisely.

My husband is an incredibly positive person most of the time, and something he reminds me of quite often may not sound too positive but it actually is. He says “we have more years behind us than we do in front of us!” With both of us in our 60s, he’s obviously right! So, why do I see his statement as something positive…because it is a great reminder to not waste my time. There is something pretty profound about recognizing the sacredness and preciousness of time. When we are young and have way more years ahead of us than behind us (barring an unfortunate accident or illness) we don’t really think much about time. We get bored, we wait for something fun to come along, and we might even sleep in or spend the day binge watching television. When we get “older” and begin to realize just how precious time is, we don’t want to “waste” a minute of it. At least I know I don’t want to.

Now, this doesn’t mean that I need to be doing and going all the time…quite the contrary. Some of my most precious moments are sipping my coffee in the morning by the fire with a great book or with my journal, or doing puzzles with my husband snuggled on the couch, or just laying next to my dog in his bed (until he kicks me out.) Those may not seem like they are very important or sacred moments, but they are. I do each of them with intention. I choose to do them. And I cherish those moments.

So, this year, I will focus on my choices. And…I will also choose not to beat myself up if I fall into patterns of unhealthy food choices, laziness, isolation, etc. What I then intend to do is remind those parts of me that are making those choices, that I would like to make different choices. Of course, as an IFS therapist, I often work with my own parts and compassionately try to understand why they want certain things for me (like sweet foods, Instagram scrolling, the comfort of my rocking chair rather than a workout in my gym) and then let them know I appreciate what they are doing for me (comfort) and let them know that I want to make a different choice and that they can trust me to do so. It’s a sweet process…and of course…I have to CHOOSE to engage in that mindfulness process too!

So, what will your word for the year be? If you want to join me in this, please do! There’s lots of different ways to incorporate it into your life and you can just have fun with it! I am going to make a bracelet with the word on it…maybe even a temporary tattoo (no injected ink and no needles!) some sticky notes, journal entries, and some bold statements to myself and my system of parts! I’ve also set the stage to choose some things with friends and family. A dear friend and I have decided to choose a different coffee shop once a month and visit it! We have also considered choosing a new restaurant every month or so and give it a try with our husbands. I have been saving information on various hikes in CT and surrounding states, and I plan to choose a few of those and make them happen. With a new granddaughter and another grandchild expected any day I definitely choose to spend time with my children and my children’s children. Friday nights with my son and his wife and daughter and Sunday afternoons with my daughter and her husband and soon to be born child have already started and I will choose to make those happen as often as I can. Intentionally choosing is incredibly powerful and helps me to cherish my life.

If you want to learn more or explore this idea, reach out! I will be incorporating it into some activities this year and would love for you to join me! Happy New Year! Let’s CHOOSE to make it great…no matter what it brings!!!!


We are the embodiment of LOVE!


What does it mean to wish someone a “Happy New Year?”