Learning, Growing, Sharing…Always a student…sometimes a teacher!

Those who know me best know that I am a learner. Yes, I was a teacher for 25 years…and although I am no longer a part of academia, I still teach daily. If I continue to teach…then I need to continue to learn. That is how I see it!

I recently attended a weekend conference in Texas held by the FLCCC (Front Line Covid Critical Care) Alliance. When I tell people that, they often comment “What? Covid stuff is still happening??” Well, yes, yes it is. Although the virus itself has mutated and has decreased in its intensity, the effects from the virus, and the “vaccines” continue. I have known many people who suffered from the virus, and now, more and more I am meeting people who were “vaccine injured.” What we know now is that the problem is the spike protein, which is the active part of the virus and the “mRNA vaccine. Although we were told the spike would stay in the muscles of the injection site, that was not true. The fact that this spike travels through the body, and often targets particular areas (reproductive organs, heart, etc.) as well as penetrates through the blood brain barrier is concerning. The bottom line is that many who now suffer from what has been called “Long Covid” or “Long haulers” as well as those who are now identified as “Vaccine Injured” both suffer the effects of this spike protein wreaking havoc in their systems.

Although I will not go into the specific details of what I learned from the many brilliant Doctors at this conference, I will speak about those I met, and how they have affected my life and my practice. The Doctors I have followed since early in the pandemic had concerns about this vaccination from the beginning. Many lost their jobs or left their jobs because they were treating people (with great results!) with repurposed, approved drugs and vitamins as well as practical advice (sunshine, time outdoors, etc.) They were shut down by the hospitals and forbidden to prescribe the things they knew worked (ie: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine) because those things were not profitable to the hospital and to “Big Pharma.” So, they left their jobs…some willingly and some through force. Then…something amazing happened. They banded together and formed this Alliance and did what they did best…the saw their patients, listened to them, treated them, healed them…over and over again and continue to do that today!

I watched these Doctors speak at Congressional hearings, followed the process of our corrupt medical system, and I followed the FLCCC protocols both for prevention and for treatment. I continued to see clients through telehealth and then returned to the office when some of my clients felt it was safe to do so. I am saddened by the stories I have heard and continue to hear of families who were denied access to their sick and dying loved ones, families who were separated on holidays, and of course, I am saddened by those clients who continue to suffer the effects of the virus as well as the effects of the vaccine.

This past weekend I heard stories and met people who continue to suffer. I heard stories of how they feel hopeful now that they have found the FLCCC. I met the Doctors who have become my heroes and I made new friends…Doctors, Naturopathic healers, energy workers, those working in Chinese Medicine and practicing Acupuncture, other mental health therapists, and some, inspired by the FLCCC attending just to be surrounded by such positive healing energy. Many, like my husband and I, also wanted the opportunity to thank these Doctors in person. That was amazing! We all gathered, we learned, we broke bread together, we laughed, we cried, and we all walked away with hope for the future. I am now, more than ever, ready and excited to be present to my current clients…and new clients, who have been negatively affected by the experiences of these past two plus years. Isolation, loneliness, fear and more fear has caused so many to suffer with anxiety and depression in ways they never have before. Differences of opinions have caused tension in families and friends as well as among colleagues and has challenged the ability of many to find hope. Well, find that hope here! I am here to share whatever I can with whomever I can. I am here to acknowledge and affirm what people are struggling with and suffering with. I see you. I hear you. I will always hold space for you. If you have questions, reach out to me. For more information on the FLCCC, visit their website at FLCCC.net. We were born for times such as these. Of that, I have no doubt. I am ready. I am here.


Find Your Strong!!


We are designed for connection…