What a journey!!

Well, things are certainly getting interesting around here! I have loved learning and growing, and adding new things to what I offer. Although all of that is exciting…there is a bigger picture here and that is what excites me the most!

I love learning and growing. It is something I am drawn to. I love creating…that is for sure! That said, I am human and I have parts that often question what I am doing. They ask “Are you sure you can do this?” or “Who do you think you are to think you can offer this??!!” and sometimes those parts stop my in my tracks! I heard someone in a presentation once mention that if we believe we are guided by a force bigger than ourselves (which I do) and if we believe that God, Universe, Source is supporting us on that journey (which I do) then we have to surrender the control and not stand in the way of what “they” are proposing. Those weren’t her exact words, but that is how it registered. So, my question then became “Who am I to NOT offer these things that I so believe will be helpful to many?” That created a total shift in me. It wasn’t about me anymore! It was about something much bigger, much more powerful than me. I was the conduit…the vessel, the “thing” necessary to manifest something that the Universe, God, Source, wants to happen!!!! So, it is not about whether or not I am capable…that has already been decided. Being “chosen” does not make me better than anyone else, it just means I was open, I heard, and I said “YES!” So…now the responsibility is on me to make these things happen!

My wheels have been turning for quite some time. I have notebook after notebook filled with ideas for classes, programs, groups, etc. It’s time for me to get them out of the notebooks and into reality! It is time for me to take creativity from abstract to form; from idea to organized event; even from spiritual to incarnate. That last one might throw you but I am big into Incarnation when it comes to spirituality and I tend to bring it into many areas of my life. Who knows…maybe you will even find a class or program on that!

So, as I go forward, I am making a promise to myself, to God (which will be my word of choice but I do understand for many Universe or Source work better…to me they are all the same!) and to all of you, that I will manifest the ideas that have been given to me. I will be the one who says “YES!” and makes them happen. I will no longer stand in my own way of creating something that, when you think about it, is not even truly my idea…but an idea planted in me by a force much bigger than me, a force who believes in my ability and trusts me completely! Now THAT is exciting!

I will be creating an email list of subscribers so those who are interested will be able to find out about offerings as they happen. I will also be offering a Five Day Online Event within the next few months that will give you a taste of a program to come! This event will be free and will consist of live video presentations (which will be recorded so you can view them at your leisure) with activities, tips, suggestions, and action steps that will allow you to move toward a particular goal you may have for yourself! I am so excited for all of this and I cannot wait to make them a reality!

So, stay in touch and I will keep you posted! I am always excited to see what God, Universe, Source has in mind for me. There is never any pressure…just an offering. If I am not ready, the idea is held for me for another time. Well, I am ready! I am saying “YES!” and I couldn’t be more excited!

Peace to you!

Trust the journey (I am!!!)


Always Look for an Open Window!

